We are reKind.

A resource to our partners in both the nonprofits and corporate worlds. An intermediary agency standing in the gap between companies with excess inventory and qualified 501(c)3 nonprofit groups that need the products for their programs.


Years of Service


Corporate and Nonprofit Partners


Average Number of Shipments Received from Corporate Partners per Year


Gallons of Coffee Consumed per Year

  • “… I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your donations (e)specially for the donation of a walker to me(.) This will help me to improve my life since I had fallen because of my osteoporosis, arthritis, and poor blood circulation. I felt great happiness and satisfaction when they gave me the walker and give thanks to God and you for your large heart and may God allow you to keep on with this humanitarian and spiritual labor…”

    CAM Medical Life Center Nicaragua

  • “I’m so happy that we could assist people who are less fortunate in other countries.”

    Corporate Customer Service Specialist, New Jersey

  • “When we told the pregnant ladies that the vitamins come from the States, and they should be thankful, a chorus of “thank-yous” was heard immediately.”

    Report from Centre De Sante La Mission Evang Du M.C.P.H.
    Gospel to Haiti Mission